We now see as many male clients as female. In a society where men can be reluctant to ask for help, that’s a great sign.
Although women are more likely to be diagnosed with depression, men are three times more likely to kill themselves. This points to a distressing reality: that men are less inclined to get support when they are struggling.
There is nothing weak or unmanly about coming to therapy. It is healthy, challenging and can make a huge difference to many areas of life. And therapy can be about anything.
Being male in today’s society
Society’s expectations for men include being confident, strong, forceful and competitive. Although this stereotype is increasingly being challenged, there is still a perception that men should be strong and unemotional. When men show their feelings, they are told to ‘man up’. These expectations can put a lot of pressure on men, but again they are expected to just deal with it and not show emotion.
There is no limit on what men can discuss in personal therapy. Our affordable counselling service provides a confidential place where men can discuss their concerns privately.

Why men seek counselling
There is no aspect of your life that we can’t support you with. Common reasons men come for counselling include concerns about:
- relationships
- anger and aggression
- sexuality (gay or bisexual feelings)
- porn, gambling, internet issues
- substance and alcohol use
- self-confidence or assertiveness issues
- work stress and careers
- family.
We offer counselling and psychotherapy for individuals. We are not able to offer couples counselling.
How our low-cost counselling service supports men in London
Many aspects of a man’s life can be improved with therapy, and it can have a positive effect on relationships, work and home life.
Your initial consultation will be with a fully-qualified counsellor who will identify which of our carefully selected trainee therapists would be a good fit for you. Your ongoing, affordable sessions with the trainee therapist will provide a safe space for you to talk about whatever you wish, in confidence. To talk to someone, please get in touch.

Our practices are conveniently located in Oxford Circus.
Our team of therapists
Our trainee therapists are on approved UK counselling and psychotherapy courses and are carefully selected for their maturity, professionalism and compassion.
Face2Face London
Appointments are available Monday to Friday from 7.30 am until 8.30 pm and weekends from 7.30 am until 7.30 pm.
Appointments last 50 minutes.

Please use our enquiry form below and we will respond shortly
There are a number of ways to reach us
Face2Face London
63-64 Margaret Street
Telephone : 0333 207 6880
Email : hello@face2face.london
To book your first appointment with us, complete our online booking form and we will contact you shortly.
If you prefer to speak with us, you can call us between 9:00am – 12:30pm Monday to Friday.
Please note: we do not offer couples counselling, Our therapists only see individuals.
Appointments available
Mondays to Fridays 7.30 am — 8.30 pm
Saturdays and Sundays 7.30 am — 7.30 pm